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Actually i have some derivable youtube tv available in my catalog:


Both of them comes with my personal playlist and my own default video.

If you wish to modify the playlist or set your personal default video you have to modify the xml file included in the CFL file asset.

HE YouTube Playlist format.  I've abbreviated the XML tag names.  This may cause some confusion but I will document it here so you understand how things link together.

The Main tag within the YouTube.xml file looks like this:

Red Cliff HD Clip 1 - John Woo Film

Between the opening and closing tags is one entry in the Custom Play list.  If XML is confusing for you, please Google a tutorial to familarize yourself with XML.   It's really not hard to use and its very popular and versitile.

The tags and what they mean:   ...   is just a complete line entry for the playlist.  The good stuff
resides beween these tags.

L="0" -  L stands for level,  level 0 is the main level of the custom menu.   All things on level "0" will show first.    Some items can link to other levels.

T="m"  -  T stands for type,  There are 5 types of datum (good stuff). Type T="m" = YouTube MovieClip.  Type T="d" = default MovieClip (startup movie).  Type  T="l" = Link to another level, when clicked it will load the XML for a different level.  "s" Live Youtube search link will get 50 movies from a youtube search.   Type T="a" = same as "s" search but no additional tags will be added to the link, this is required for some restricted search pages, like Todays new videos etc.

Lets begin with an example playlist and a simple structure.

Maybe you are making a MusicVideo Player for a Club !

And You want to group music by catagories,  Start with the main menu:  L="0"  Level "0" is always the first level we start with.

Example of our first xml entry below:

Just a simple do nothing message.  reloads level 0 ... Displays a message at the top of the list.  Remember the main menu list is  level L="0" ...   T="l" Type = link to another level.  The text beween the ... tags will be displayed on the line,  when clicked it will change levels.  It will change levels too the level between the tags.  This is a link,  taking us to another group of links on layer "0" (the main level again, so we didn't go anywhere, but we did display a Welcome message on the top line.

Welcome to da Club

On to someting more useful.  Lets create a level "1" or "Rock" or "fred", that will have some preselected Songs and a youtube search.

When someone clicks on this line of the menu it will take them to level "1".

HE Rock our with your ...... out

Anywhere in the XML file can be the following lines.  When the computer searches the XML it will look for all the L="1" tags and process them for the Level "1" menu.   First come first server, in order.   But they could come before L="0" tags or after, the order only effects how all L="1" are ordered, it ignores all other XML within the XML file.   So here we have 4 MovieClips, T="m"  (type = movie clips.   The movie clips contain a YoutubeID in the data tags, the tags.   A youtube movie ID is 11 characters long,  lower and uppercase letters , numbers,  and - (minus) and _ underscore characters are used by YouTube.

When you look up a MovieClip on youtube, look at the link to a MovieClip,  The movie must be able to be Embedded.  If on the YouTube page says Embed:  Embedding disabled by request,  you won't be able to play it outside of  This happens on some bands copyrighted material, not all.  This is an example of one that is restricted:

Here is the 4 movieclips on layer "1"  L="1"

Rock Song 1

Rock Song 2

Rock Song 3

Rock Song 4

These examples of YouTube webpage links, show the YouTube Video ID's.  11 characters after the "v=" data.

We can add any of these 4 songs as the default video by changing its type.  T="d"  type = default

We can add some search links too to level "1"

Lets add a link for songs by Queen.  "q=" is for Query Add tags you want to find, and - (minus) things to exclude from the search.

Classic Rock - Queen

There is no limit to the number of MovieClips, Search lines or levels  you can add.

If for some reason your search doesn't produce results try the T="a" type.  Some searches appear to have limits.   You can manually test your youtube search links in your normal browser.

YouTube Most Popular Videos

While developing the YouTube player, YouTube changed the format slighly and broke my searches,   I fixed it right away, just a word or warning, YouTube's data API is subject to change.  If you notice the searches fail,  please message me and give me the search link that failed, so I can take a look at it.

To learn more about YouTube's search strings (gdata api),  look at the following pages:

This XML file format is exclusive for the HE YouTube Player, and part of the intelectual property of HottieEdward.  You are welcome to use this for your derives of the HE YouTube Player but not in the developement of any non HE products.   Copyright (c) 2009  All rights reserved by HottieEdward.


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